Salaam Academy

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Jazakallah Khair for your interest in enrolling your child in Salaam Academy.

Please read the following information before putting your child on the Salaam Academy Waiting List. We hope it will answer some of your initial queries and explain the commitment we expect from parents.

Our Curriculum​

Salaam Academy is committed to offering a holistic learning experience and our pupils are taught Qur’aan, Islamic Studies, Hifdh and a range of enrichment and personal development activities. When you agree to enrol your child, this means your child will attend all of the three major components of study (Qur’aan, Islamic Studies, Hifdh). There is no option to only attend one or two subjects (eg only do Qur’aan and Islamic Studies and not study hifdh).

Spaces are allocated according to the pupil’s academic year. Islamic Studies is taught according to age, while Qur’aan and Hifdh are taught according to ability. When offering places, we look at the academic age of the child and then group them for Qur’aan and Hifdh according to ability after assessment.

Our Timetable

Reception: Pupils attend two days during the week: Monday for Qaidah and Hifdh, and Friday for Islamic Studies.

Year 1: Pupils have all three lessons on the same day on the weekend, either a Saturday or a Sunday.

Years 2 – 9: Islamic Studies and Qur’aan take place on the weekend, either a Saturday or a Sunday, and their Hifdh classes are during the week on either a Tuesday (Y2-5 children) or a Thursday (Y6-9 children).

Year 10 – 13: Pupils attend on a Friday night where they have an hour of Qur’aan and an hour of Halaqah.

Please find below a summary of our schedule:

Year 1-9
Pupils attend either Saturday or Sunday
Monday and Friday
Weekday Hifdh
Year 2- 9
Pupils attend either Tuesday or Thursday
Friday Circle
Year 10-13
9:30 – 12:3016:30 onwards17:00 onwards17:00 onwards


In the interest of teaching and the benefit of our pupil’s learning, we have a strict policy regarding absences. If any child is absent for three classes in a row without a valid reason, warnings are given and pupils are subsequently removed from the Academy. Please consider this carefully and only enrol your child if you are able to commit to attending fully.

Covid-19 Measures

Due to the restrictions surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, our classes are all being held on Zoom until it is safe for us to go back to a real classroom. As a result, all our classes are running to a slightly modified schedule aimed at facilitating online teaching and learning.

For pupils in Reception to Year 3 we have reduced class sizes and shortened lessons, to help maximise concentration, enjoyment and learning.


Fees are paid by direct bank transfer using the GoCardless payment system. Our fees are calculated and split over 12 months to share out the cost evenly across the year. This means you will pay fees during non-teaching weeks / months.

If there are any questions that have not been answered, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact page and select the finance department in the drop down.